English, asked by nehabishnoi11, 5 months ago

(b) "Why not organize yourself into a
cooperative?' I asked a group of
young men who have fallen into the
vicious circle of middlemen
who trapped their fathers and fore
1. from which chapter is the extract taken?
2. who is speaking the above lines nd to whom?
3. why does the winter say that the young men fallen into the vicious circles of middle man?
4. which word from the passage means same as "dangerous"?​


Answered by sonikabali2000


1.lost spring

2.annes Jung the narrator asked the above lines to bangle maker

3.The author says that the bangle makers are caught in a vicious web which starts from poverty, to indifferences, then to greed and finally to injustice. Mind-numbing toil kills their hopes and dreams. They cannot organise themselves into cooperatives and have fallen into a vicious circle of ‘sahukars’, middlemen and the police so they get condemned to poverty and perpetual exploitation.


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