(B) You are Vaijanthi/Vijay from Prakasham Nagar, Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh. Write a letter to Book Haven Store, requesting home delivery of the books, stationery, and art materials you had ordered telephonically. Share the reason for being unable to pick up the goods in person. Confirm your address details and a convenient time slot.
Letter to Book Haven Store, requesting home delivery of the books, stationery, and art materials you had ordered telephonically:
Prakasham Nagar,
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Date: 09.09.2020
The Manager
Book Haven Store
Secunderabad, Andhra Pradesh
Sub: Requesting you to change my delivery time
I am Vijay Tripathi, a frequent customer of your store. There were some books, stationery, and art materials I had ordered telephonically.
I am sorry to inform you that I would not be able to pick up the delivery on the selected date. The order number is 5689hDBxx. It will be helpful if I get it on 11th December, 2020 at 11:00 a.m and the delivery address is the same.
I would be grateful if I get the delivery in my selected slot.
Yours faithfully,
Vijay Tripathi