Math, asked by varsha1187, 11 months ago

babloo has three A 13/4KG more than box B and box C weighs 11/4KG more than box B .ig the total box weight of three boxes is 39KG ,then find the weight of box A and box C.​


Answered by archanamaheshwari117


Answer:Weight of box C = 264/4

Step-by-step explanation:

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more than

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kg

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more than

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kg

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of three

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kg

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4= 24/4 - 72

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4= 24/4 - 72= 24/4 - 288/4

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4= 24/4 - 72= 24/4 - 288/4= 264/4

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4= 24/4 - 72= 24/4 - 288/4= 264/4weight of box C = 264/4

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4= 24/4 - 72= 24/4 - 288/4= 264/4weight of box C = 264/4if we want to see that our answer is correct or not then we have to :

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4= 24/4 - 72= 24/4 - 288/4= 264/4weight of box C = 264/4if we want to see that our answer is correct or not then we have to :and if our answer comes 288/4 that means our answer is correct.

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4= 24/4 - 72= 24/4 - 288/4= 264/4weight of box C = 264/4if we want to see that our answer is correct or not then we have to :and if our answer comes 288/4 that means our answer is correct.Verify = 13/4 + 11/4 + 264/4

Step-by-step explanation:Box weighs more thanbox B = 13/4 kgBox C weighs more thanbox = 11/4 kgTotal weight of threeboxes = 72 kgWeight of box C = 13/4 + 11/4= 24/4 - 72= 24/4 - 288/4= 264/4weight of box C = 264/4if we want to see that our answer is correct or not then we have to :and if our answer comes 288/4 that means our answer is correct.Verify = 13/4 + 11/4 + 264/4= 288/4

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