bacteria 10 advantages and 10 disadvantages
Beneficial effects (advantages) :
Yeasts like Saccharomyces cervisiae also known as Brewer’s yeast, is used to ferment dough.
Micro-organism such as Lactobacillus and others commonly called Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) grow in milk and convert it to curd.
Apart from this, micro-organisms also are used in preparation of certain group of medicines called ANTIBIOTICS. Penicillium notatum is used in the preparation of the antibiotic, Penicillin.
Harmful effects (disadvantages) :
Though micro-organisms are very beneficial to living beings in a few ways, they can be lethal too. Micro-organisms (Bacteria , fungi and viruses) cause various diseases in humans, plants and animals too.
Typhoid is caused by Salmonella typhi.
Streptococcus pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae are responsible for the disease pneumonia in humans with infects the alveoli of the lungs.
Common cold in humans is caused by a group of viruses called Rhino viruses.
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Mohammad Imtiaz Hossain Bhuiyan
Mohammad Imtiaz Hossain Bhuiyan, Safety Coordinator
Answered Aug 8, 2017 · Author has 1.1k answers and 690.6k answer views
Micro organisms are of two types. Beneficial to us and non beneficial to us. These are the tiny microscopic living things inside and out side of human bodies. Present in their own habitats. Either aerobic or non aerobic. They can survive with the help of substrates or by other organisms. Later ones are called parasites. Inside our stomach and other organs lnnumerable bacteria are living. In the stomach these are beneficial to secrete enzymes to degrade foods into simpler products then easily can be absorbed in blood streams. Some are enemies which cause dangerous diseases like diarrhea and chlorera etc. Some are deadly poisonous can cause death. Some fungi also detrimental to us. Another type is mosses. Algae are good green organisms produce carbohydrates by photosynthesis.somenproduce vitamin k in our bodies which can clot blood when accidentally cut our bodies to stop bleeding. Yeasts can produce alcohol from complex starches in an anerobic environment. Also used to inflate the dough of breads in the kilns. There are innumerable benefits from freindly bacteria. Some are harmful like pneumococci and ecoli bactria.