Hindi, asked by prado1908, 11 months ago

Bahu Ki Vida summary in english


Answered by AbsorbingMan

                        बहू की विदा एकांकी का सारांश

'बहू की विदा' नामक एकांकी 'विनोद रस्तोगी' जी द्वारा लिखी गयी है . प्रस्तुत एकांकी में एक्कंकिकार ने समाज में व्याप्त दहेज़ की समस्या का सजीव चित्रण किया है .एकांकी में एक धनी व्यापारी जीवनलाल अपनी बहु कमला को पहला सावन बिताने के लिए उसके मायके भेजने से साफ़ इनकार कर देते है . कमला का भाई प्रमोद अपनी बहन को बीड़ा करने के लिए आया है .जीवनलाल प्रमोद को बहुत खरी खोटी सुनाते हैं कि उन्होंने दहेज़ की माँग अब तक पूरी क्यों नहीं की .वह प्रमोद को ताना देते हुए कहते है न तो उन्होंने दहेज़ की रकम के पाँच हज़ार दिए और न ही बारातियों की खातिरदारी ढंग से की गयी ,भरी बिरादरी में उनकी नाक कटा दी .दूसरी तरफ जीवनलाल की पत्नी राजेश्वरी एक सुलझे विचारों की महिला हैं .वह अपनी बहुत के प्रति कोई द्वेष नहीं रखती .वह उसकी भावनाओं को समझती हैं .वह प्रमोद को पाँच हज़ार रूपया देना चाहती है जिससे की वह उनके प्रति को दहेज़ की बाकी रकम देकर अपनी बहन को विदा करा सके .जीवन का पुत्र रमेश भी अपनी बहन गौरी को विदा कराने उसकी ससुराल गया है . पर गौरी को साथ न लेकर खाली हाथ वापस आ जाता है .जीवनलाल यह देखकर हैरान हो जाते हैं कि गौरी की विदाई क्यों नहीं हुई ?रमेश ने जीवनलाल को बताया कि गौरी के ससुरालवालों दहेज़ की माँग कर रहे हैं और कह रहे हैं कि उन्होंने दहेज़ पूरा नहीं दिया .यह सब देखर जीवनलाल की आँखें खुल जाती हैं .वह समझ जाते कि चाहे जीवन भर की साड़ी कमाई दे दो ,पर लड़कीवालों की माँग पूरी नहीं होती .बहु और बेटी को एक ही तराजू में तोलने की बात अब जीवनलाल की समझ में आ जाती है .वह ख़ुशी - ख़ुशी अपनी बहु कमला को उसके भाई के साथ विदा कर देते हैं . 

Disclaimer: Answer is provided in Hindi.You may translate it in English.

Answered by ashishmpai2007


Presented one-acting 'Bahu Ki Vida' is composed by Shri Vinod Rastogi. Through this single, the author has depicted the problem of dowry prevailing in our society.

There are a total of five characters in this episode – Jeevan Lal, his wife Rajeshwari, their son Ramesh, daughter-in-law Kamala and Pramod who is Kamala's brother.

Pramod's sister Kamala is married to Jeevanlal's son Ramesh. Pramod gives dowry according to his family status. Jeevanlal remains irritated due to non-receipt of dowry as expected.

After marriage, there is a ritual to send the daughter-in-law to her maternal home, to fulfill the same ritual, Pramod reaches her in-laws to send off his sister Kamala, but Kamala's father-in-law, Jeevanlal, does not want to send off his daughter-in-law. According to Jeevanlal, in the marriage of the son, the family members of daughter-in-law Kamala did not take care of her according to her status and gave less dowry. This has put a blot on his reputation.

Jeevanlal, taking a sarcasm at Pramod, also says that when he did not have the ability to give the dowry that he asked for, then why did he get his sister married to his son. Now till the full amount of dowry i.e. five thousand is not paid, he will not send Kamala to her maternal home.

Pramod requests Jeevanlal to send his sister to his maternal home and opposes the injustice meted out to him for being only a girl child. On this, Jeevanlal gives him the example of his daughter Gauri's marriage and says that he too is a girl child, but he married his daughter with great pomp. He cared for his daughter's in-laws so much that everyone was stunned. That is why, despite being a girl, his mustache is still high. At this time his son Ramesh has gone to his in-laws' house to send off the same daughter Gauri and at any time Ramesh must have reached here with his sister Gauri.

Pramod then meets his sister Kamala and consoles her, saying that he will go back and sell his house and get the dowry amount collected. On this, Kamala explains to her brother that he should not talk about selling the house at all because right now the responsibility of marriage of his younger sister Vimla is on his head. And what if he could not spend the first season at his maternal home. Here her mother-in-law and sister-in-law Gauri is very good. With the arrival of Gauri, she will not even miss her friends.

Kamala's mother-in-law Rajeshwari enters the room at her time. Rajeshwari comes to know of her husband's selfish tendencies. Rajeshwari knows that Kamala will not leave until Pramod brings her five thousand rupees. So she herself asks Kamala to bring five thousand by giving her the key of the safe. She tells Pramod to give this money to Jeevanlal and send Kamala away. Pramod refuses to take the money.

At the same time, Ramesh reaches home without sending off his sister Gauri. Gauri's in-laws also refused to send Gauri away on the pretext of low dowry. Jeevanlal finds the attitude of his daughter's in-laws unjust. He finds his daughter's in-laws greedy-greedy because according to him he had given his life's earnings to his daughter Gauri's in-laws. Despite giving dowry, Jeevanlal feels insulted by his daughter Gauri's in-laws by not leaving her with her brother due to low dowry and they cry for decency and humanity.

Rajeshwari then asks her husband Jeevan Lal to open his eyes that now he is crying out for decency and humanity, while he himself was not sending his daughter-in-law away by humiliating her brother for being less than five thousand dowry. Jeevanlal realizes his mistake. He tells his wife Rajeshwari to go inside and prepare for the daughter-in-law's departure. Everyone becomes happy with this changed behavior of Jeevanlal. In this way, the tense atmosphere shortly before Jeevanlal's changed behavior turns into happiness.

hope this helped you


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