balanced diet essay
I hope helpful answer:-

Each individual dietary requirement is different.For example,an energetic person needs more carbohydrate and a growing child more protein.
A diet which contains all the important nutrients in the right amounts is called a complete or a balanced diet.If a diet consists of a single or a very few food items,then the diet will be unbalanced no matter what the food items,then the diet will be unbalanced no matter what the food is,because no single food contains all the nutrients we need in the right proportion to be healthy
The balanced diet should contain these following groups:-
•Protein group
•Milk group
•Vegetable and fruit group
•Cereal group
In addition,there should be enough water.The diet should be planned so that the body gets sufficient amount of each nutrient as well as roughage and water.
Their can be many diseases if we lack these nutrients like:-
So,We should maintain balanced diet.
Hope it helps!
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