Accountancy, asked by Iihgfgbbhu3660, 8 months ago

Bale and Yale are equal partners of a firm. They decide to dissolve their partnership on 31st March,2018 at which date their Balance Sheet stood as:
(a) The assets realised were:
Stock ₹ 22,000; Debtors ₹ 7,500; Machinery ₹ 16,000; Building ₹ 35,00.
(b) Yale took over the Furniture at ₹ 9,000.
(c) Bale agreed to accept ₹ 2,500 in full settlement of his Loan Account.
(d) Dissolution Expenses amounted to ₹ 2,500.
Prepare the:
(i) Realisation Account
(ii) Capital Accounts of Partners
(iii) Bale’s Loan Account
(iv) Bank Account.


Answered by Anonymous


The outcome of politics of social divisions

depends on how the political leaders raise the

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Answered by aburaihana123

The given accounts are calculated and prepared below:

(i) Realisation Account

(ii) Capital Accounts of Partners

(iii) Bale’s Loan Account

(iv) Bank Account.



Particulars (Dr.)

To Building A/c - Rs. 45,000

To Machinery A/c - Rs. 15,000

To Furniture A/c  - Rs. 12,000

To Debtors A/c - Rs. 8000

To Stock A/c - Rs. 24,000

To Bank A/c:

  • Creditors  - Rs. 14,000
  • Expenses - Rs. 2,500

Total = Rs. 16,500

Adding the Building A/c , Machinery A/c, Furniture A/c, Debtors A/c, Stock A/c  and the Bank A/c, we get

= Rs. 45,000 + Rs. 15,000 + Rs. 12,000 +  Rs. 8000 + Rs. 24,000 + Rs. 16,500

= Rs. 1,20,500

Particulars (Cr.)

By Sundry Creditors A/c - Rs. 14000

By Bank A/c:

  • Stock  - Rs. 22,000
  • Debtors  - Rs. 7,500
  • Machinery - Rs. 16000
  • Building  - Rs. 35,000

Total = Rs. 80,500

By Bale's Loan A/c - Rs. 500

By Yale's Capital A/c - Rs. 9000

By Loss transferred to:

  • Bale's Capital A/c  - Rs. 8,250
  • Yale's Capital A/c - Rs. 8,250

Total = Rs. 16,500

Adding the Sundry Creditors A/c, Bank A/c, Bale's Loan A/c, Yale's Capital A/c and the loss we get:

= Rs. 14000 + Rs. 80500 + Rs. 500 + Rs. 9000 + Rs. 16500

= Rs. 1,20,500

The Capital Accounts of Partners, Bale’s Loan Account , Bank Account are calculated and prepared below:

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