Bangladesh Geographical area is much smaller than that of India which country will show a higher density of population if the population of both country is 10 million explain your answer
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Bangladesh is a densely -Populated, low -laying, mainly riverine country located in South Asia with a coastline of 580 km (360 mi) on the northern littoral of the Bay of bengal. the delta plain of the Ganges(padma) ,brahmaputra (jamuna) ,and meghna rivers and their tributaries occupy 79% of the country .four uplifted blocks (including the madhupur and barind tracts in the centre and north-west )occupy 9% and steep hill ranges up to approximately 1000 metres (3300 ft) high occupy 12% in the south-east (the Chittagong hill tracts) and in the north-east.
I hope answer is helpless and
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