banglore sahodaya exam social question paper
WEIGHTAGES To Form Of Questions
Very Short Answers (VA)- Number Of Questions-7, Each question carry – 1 mark- Total Marks- 7
Short Answer (SA)- 3 Marks Each Questions- 11 number of questions- Total Marks-33
Long Answer (LA)- 5 Marks Each Questions- 7 number of questions- 35 Total Marks
MAP Question (MQ)- 2 Marks Each Type- 01 number of questions- 05 Total Marks
Total marks for pre board examination is 80 marks. For more details visit official website.
Sahodaya Pre Board Question Papers Class 10
Model Question Papers
1). What is the inception of halloween
2). When is halloween celebrated
3). How did halloween evolve over time
4). What is the significance of samhain
5). What is the origin of halloween
6). What is the significance of November 1 for the celts?
7). How were cetrain prophecies a cause of comfort to the druids, or celtic prisets
8). What did the celts attempt to do during the celebration
9). The story of patol babu highlights the importance of passion and satisfaction.
10). The poem ‘Sanke’ teaches us the lesson that to move forward one needs to forget old age prejudice and love nature and it’s creation fully. Explain
11). Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow. Write the answer in your answer sheet in one or two lines only.
A). Tortured by doubt and remorse, He sat down in the glow of the charocal sigri to wait
B).who sat by the charcoal sigri
C). Why is he tortured by remorse
D). What was his doubt
E). What is he waiting for and why
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