Baras entered through keyboard for example 234 output should be 2 3 4 write a C program to accomplish the same
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Program of C is shown in the explanation part.
Enter the num:234
2 3 4
#include <stdio.h> // header file
int main() // main method
int n,rev=0; // variable declaration
printf(" Enter the num:");
scanf("%d",&n); // input number
while(n!=0) // iterating over the loop
{ int t=n%10; // calculating reminder
rev=(rev*10)+t; // reverse the number
while(rev!=0) // iterating over the loop
int t=rev%10;// calculating reminder
printf("%d ",t); // print the original number with space
return 0;
- Read a number by user in the "n" variable of "int" type.
- iterating over the while .In this loop we reverse the number n in the "rev' variable.
- Again iterating over the loop to print the number in the formatted order which is mention in the question.
Learn more : C program to print the number 234 in 2 3 4 format
- Write a c program to reverse a given number.
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