Science, asked by nayanpogade, 3 months ago



Answered by chandansai957


this is not the answer


for years, calling for alms. In the evening someone would come with a

barrow and take him away. He had never been known to walk. But now, on

learning that the bank was about to collapse, Ganpat astonished everyone,

leaping to his feet and actually running at top speed in the direction of the bank.

It soon became known that he had a thousand rupees in savings!

Men stood in groups at street corners discussing the situation. Pipalnagar

seldom had a crisis, seldom or never had floods, earthquakes or drought; and the

imminent crash of the Pipalnagar Bank set everyone talking and speculating and

rushing about in a

frenzy. Some boasted of their farsightedness, congratulating themselves on

having already taken out their money, or on never having put any in; others

speculated on the reasons for the crash, putting

it all down to excesses indulged in by Seth Govind Ram. The Seth had fled the

State, said one. He had fled the country, said another. He was hiding in

Pipalnagar, said a third. He had hanged himself from the tamarind tree, said a

fourth, and had been found that morning by the sweeper-boy.

By noon the small bank had gone through all; its ready cash, and the

harassed manager was in a dilemma. Emergency funds could only be obtained

from another bank some thirty miles distant, and he wasn’t sure he could

persuade the crowd to wait until then. And there w

Answered by priyankaskedare2001


atmospheric pressure


barometer is a scientific instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure and it is also known as barometric pressure

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