English, asked by mhmdmishal, 4 months ago

Based on data collected by a survey by Travel Bureau, the following market profile of an

ecotourist was constructed: -

Age: 35 - 54 years old, although age varied with activity and other factors such as cost.

Gender: 50% female and 50% male, although clear differences based on activity were


Education: 82% were college graduates, a shift in interest in ecotourism from those who

have high levels of education to those with less education was also found, indicating an ex-

pansion into mainstream markets.

Household composition: No major differences were found between general tourists and

experienced ecotourists**

Party composition: A majority (60%) of experienced ecotourism respondents stated they

prefer to travel as a couple, with only 15% stating they preferred to travel with their fami-

lies, and 13% preferring to travel alone. (** experienced ecotourists = Tourists that had

been on at least one “ecotourism” oriented trip.)

Trip duration: The largest group of experienced ecotourists- (50%) preferred trips lasting

8-14 days.

Expenditure: Experienced ecotourists were willing to spend more than general tourists,

the largest group (26%) .

Important elements of trip: Experienced ecotourists top three responses were: (a) wil-

derness setting, (b) wildlife viewing, (c) hiking/trekking.

Motivations for taking next trip: Experienced ecotourists top two responses were (a)

enjoy scenery/nature, (b) new experiences/places.

On the basis of your understanding of the passage attempt ANY TEN questions from

the twelve that follow. (1x10=10)

i. In the line “……recognised as the benchmark”, the word “benchmark” DOES NOT

refer to

a) a basis for something.

b) the criterion required.

c) the ability to launch something new.

d) a standard point of reference.

ii. The World Tourism Organisation of the UN, in an observation, shared that

a) emerging economies of the world will gain 57% of their annual profits from

International tourists.

b) countries with upcoming economies shall see maximum tourist footfall from all over

the world in the next decade.

c) a large number of international tourists in 2030 will be from developing countries​



Answered by priyaag2102

The correct answers are as follows:

i. c) The ability to launch something new

ii. b) Countries with upcoming economies shall see maximum tourist footfall from all over  the world in the next decade.


i. According to the UN World Tourism Organization, environmental, social, and economic sustainability is increasingly being recognized as the benchmark for all tourism businesses.  

A benchmark, as stated here, could be a point of reference, a criterion, or a base for something but it could not be the ability to begin something new.


ii. As remarked by the UN World Tourism Organisation, 57% of the international tourist influxes will be in emerging economies by 2030, and that the developing countries will see the most footfall of international tourists.

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