Business Studies, asked by yaredyaru21yordi, 2 months ago

Based on systems characteristics, identify any component (substructure) in the organization and describe its objective, the activity currently the component is performing (in relation to services it is rendering and/or contributing towards the production of goods/products)


Answered by guangyeshiwork

Based on systems characteristics, identify any component (substructure) in the organization and describe its objective, the activity currently the component is performing (in relation to services it is rendering and/or contributing towards the production of goods/products)

Answered by bandameedipravalika0



Systems characteristics,

Important characteristics of an organization's structure include span of control, departmentalization, centralization, and decentralization.

Objective :

Distinguish between centralised and decentralised decision-making, the implications for structural design, and the departmentalization options available to corporations from the perspective of organisational structure.

Basic frameworks are provided by organisational structures to ensure that processes run efficiently. Functional, divisional, matrix, team, network, and horizontal organisational structure types are among them. Each of these systems offers four organisational components in varying degrees:

  • Span of control,
  • Departmentalization,
  • Centralization and
  • Decentralization.

Organizational structures provide basic frameworks to help operations proceed smoothly and functionally.

Systems characteristics,

Important characteristics of an organization's structure include span of control, departmentalization, centralization, and decentralization.

Objective :

Distinguish between centralised and decentralised decision-making, the implications for structural design, and the departmentalization options available to corporations from the perspective of organisational structure.

Organizational structures provide basic frameworks to help operations proceed smoothly and functionally. Types of organizational structures include functional, divisional, matrix, team, network, and horizontal structures. Each of these structures provides different degrees of four common organizational elements:

  • Span of control,
  • Departmentalization,
  • Centralization and
  • Decentralization.

Organizational structures provide basic frameworks to help operations proceed smoothly and functionally.

Span of control refers to the number of subordinates a supervisor has; it is used as a means of ensuring proper coordination and a sense of accountability among employees.

Departmentalization is the basis by which an organization groups tasks together. There are five common approaches: functional, divisional, matrix, team, and network.

Centralization occurs when decision -making authority is located in the upper organizational levels. Centralization increases consistency in the processes and procedures that employees use in performing tasks.

Decentralization occurs when decision-making authority is located in the lower organizational levels. With decentralized authority, important decisions are made by middle-level and supervisory-level managers, thereby increasing adaptability.    


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