English, asked by rashi1933, 9 months ago

Based on the current perspective, can we say that family closeness has been promoted?​


Answered by youcanmakemehigh23


not really 100% sure about this


All children need the support of a family. Family Support is the first, and perhaps most fundamental, need of children. Children are dependent on families to provide for their basic material needs, protect them from harm, and nurture them. Families should be the primary source of the child’s physical, social-emotional, and spiritual development.

Fortunately most children receive adequate support from their families. But high-functioning families and measured, informed parenting skills are not necessarily a naturally occurring phenomena. The broader society – faith communities, schools, social service agencies, and governmental policies – can all contribute to strengthening the family system. As children exist in the context of the family, so too do families exist in the context of communities.

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