Based on the information collected by you,write a report on the availability of the social amenities in your area
Expected outcomes:
Acquire skills used to obtain, evaluate and use census information as well as other types of population information used in program planning and management.
This session presents the types of information that can be obtained from the census of population and housing. It is also designed to assist planners in evaluating the quality of census information. Techniques and strategies to collect population information from other sources including representative sample surveys and vital statistics reports will also be covered.
In most countries, the census is conducted every 10 years at a minimum. For the period between census takings, information collected from representative sample surveys can be used to provide population information. Household surveys on agricultural production, manpower, health, housing, and transportation usually collect information on the characteristics of the population. These data can be used for planning purposes.
The lesson ends with a discussion of where to obtain information on vital statistics including births, deaths, fetal deaths, marriages and divorces.
4.1 What is a Census?
The United Nations defines a population census as the total process of collecting, compiling, and publishing demographic, economic, and social data pertaining to a specific time to all persons in a country or delimited part of a country. As part of a census count, most countries also include a census of housing. It is the process of collecting, compiling and publishing information on buildings, living quarters and building-related facilities such as sewage systems, bathrooms, and electricity, to name a few.
The United Nations lists four essential features of a census:
Each individual is enumerated separately; the characteristics of each person within the household are recorded separately.
The census covers a precisely defined territory and includes every person present or residing within its scope. The housing census should include every type of building and living quarters.
Each person and each type of building and living quarters is enumerated with respect to a well defined point of time.
The census is taken at regular defined intervals, usually every 10 years.
In most countries, people are counted in their place of usual residence.