English, asked by panchakarlamanvithas, 2 months ago

based on the lesson the dear departed prepare a script ,how to respect grand parents​


Answered by prajapatidevendra787


Speech on Grandparents

A warm welcome to all present. Today I am going to give a speech on Grandparents. Grandparents are our parents’ mother and father. Maternal grandparents are parents of our mother, while paternal grandparents are parents of our father.

Our grandparents are our storyteller, personal game center, favorite cook, polite teachers and a bunch of unconditional love.

They come to rescue their grandchildren whenever needed. Grandparents help us in developing dreams and imaginations. They nurture our spirit and encourage mental growth while giving us a sense of self-worth.

Grandparents are a role model. Their actions speak greater than their words. The way we should behave in a positive perception of older people in our minds.

Grandparents offer us a wide range of knowledge, emotions, and experience then they did as parents. They are playmates and often are great spectators for our performances. They were strict with our parents but as grandparents, they are lenient.

They are nurturer as they support our emotional and social safety needs. With the increasing rate of divorce, teenage violence, overexposure to the unwanted culture at a young age, career demands of parents and other social issues, the role of grandparents in giving values is vital.

They act as spiritual guides for grandchildren. They give values and give spiritual rewards like compassion, peace, love, faith, joy, tolerance, being kind and gentle.

Also, they are caretakers in the absence of parents. When grandchildren are unwell or the regular child care is not available, they come as a great rescue. With parents working full time, children often spend some part of the time in daycare but the rest of the time grandparents are always ready to help out.

Involving Grandparents

First time grandparents may not be clear about their boundarisand rules of being engaged with new ones in the family.

Parents need to engage grandparents from the beginning. By allowing them from helping with simple things, taking their advice and correcting any misconception.

Parents need to educate them with newer technology used in parenting. That would help them accept and support the parents in upbringing. Encouraging them would help those overcoming insecurities and worries.

Explaining to them that the best way to get involved in giving unconditional love, patience, generosity, presence and detachment and trust for parents.

Enjoying parenting together with them would be great fun.


Having grandparents is one of the best gifts by God for their grand children. They are the ones who have made parents the way they are. Grandparents are the support system of any family. All members of the family should respect them and accept their valuable teachings. Hope all grand parentsbare accepted and cared for in all families.

Thank you.


I hope it's helpful for

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