English, asked by SMSS10669STD7BMANAs, 2 months ago

Based on the problem that Manu and
Myna had and how their grandmother
solved it, what do you think the theme
of the story is? Give reasons for
your answer.​


Answered by sadhnajha101


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Answered by Anonymous


Based on the problem that Manu and

Based on the problem that Manu andMyna had and how their grandmother

Based on the problem that Manu andMyna had and how their grandmothersolved it, what do you think the theme

Based on the problem that Manu andMyna had and how their grandmothersolved it, what do you think the themeof the story is? Give reasons for

Based on the problem that Manu andMyna had and how their grandmothersolved it, what do you think the themeof the story is? Give reasons foryour answer.

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