Biology, asked by SreethikaReddy, 11 months ago

Based on which criteria Monera is classified into archaebacteria and eubacteria?​


Answered by mansi5441

numbers of archaebacteria are the primitive ones than the eubacteria

members of EU bacteria can undergo photosynthesis whereas archaebacteria cannot

hope this would help you

plz mark as the brainliest

Answered by mohishkhan9996


hay... frend your ans is here....


Kingdom Monera belongs to the prokaryote

family. The organisms belonging to this kingdom

do not contain a true nucleus. These are the

oldest known microorganisms on earth. Their

DNA is not enclosed within the nucleus

They are unicellular organism found mostly in a moist environment. They are found in hot springs, snow, deep oceans or as parasites in other organisms.

The monerans do not possess any membrane-bound organelles.

Let us go through the kingdom monera notes to explore the characteristics and classification of monera.

plzz... mark as best

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