Computer Science, asked by mishraankit2304, 6 months ago

Basic salary of an employee is input through the keyboard. The DA is 25% of the basic salary

while the HRA is 15% of the basic salary. Provident Fund is deducted at the rate of 10% of the gross

salary (BS+DA+HRA). Program to calculate the Net Salary. ​


Answered by lingesh12

hiiiiiiiiiii. sorry byeeeeeeeee

Answered by dreamrob

Program in C++


using namespace std;

int main()


double basic;

cout<<"Enter the basic salary of an employee : ";


double DA = (basic * 25.0) / 100.0;

double HRA = (basic * 15.0) / 100.0;

double gross = basic + DA + HRA;

double PF = (gross * 10.0) / 100.0;

double net = gross - PF;

cout<<"Basic salary = "<<basic<<endl;

cout<<"DA = "<<DA<<endl;

cout<<"HRA = "<<HRA<<endl;

cout<<"Gross salary = "<<gross<<endl;

cout<<"Provident fund = "<<PF<<endl;

cout<<"Net salary = "<<net;

return 0;



Enter the basic salary of an employee : 100000

Basic salary = 100000

DA = 25000

HRA = 15000

Gross salary = 140000

Provident fund = 14000

Net salary = 126000

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