Basic tasks in microsoft
if used for presentations this might help
1. Activate the Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 program.
2. Make a Presentation
The first slide of the presentation usually contains the title and subtitle. By default, when a Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 program is activated on a worksheet, the presentation title and subtitle box will automatically appear. To write it down, click the "Click to add title" box, then type the presentation title
3. Create and Edit Text.
To add text to the slide design, select Ribbon Insert. In the Text group> click Text Box, then type the desired text. If the text written is not appropriate. You can edit it by clicking on the text you want to edit.
4. Using Outline
Outline is part of the Microsoft Power Point 2007 application located on the left side of the worksheet. The way to display the outline is by clicking the Outline tab located below the Ribbon. The outline will display the object or text that is part of the active slide. You can also edit the text through the outline by selecting text on the new line later
Edit text
5. Make notes
You can also add notes to slides by clicking the "Click to Add Notes" area under the slide. After that, type the slide record to add.
6. Save Presentation Files
The way to save a presentation file is the same as saving a presentation file in an earlier version of Microsoft Power Point with the save tool in the Quick Access toolbar. Type the desired file name and destination. Select Power Point Presentation in the Save as Type section, and end by clicking Save.
7. Arrange the Presentation Design
To enhance your presentation, you can add designs that are default from the Microsoft Power Point 2007 application through the Ribbon Design. The ribbon allows you to add a slide background design by activating the slide, then selecting Ribbon Design. In the Themes group, select one of the slide designs. To display all design options, click the slide that will be selected will be displayed on the canvas page.
8. Set the text format
The text format referred to here is like setting the size, font type, text color and so on. To set the text format, select text and use the Font Group by activating the Ribbon Home first. Select an icon to set the text format.
9. Color Use Techniques
In addition to presentation design management techniques, color use techniques (or commonly called themes) also affect the final presentation presented. How to set a theme is to choose Ribbon Design. Then, select the color by clicking Color on Group Themes
10. Change the Background Color
If you don't like the background theme color, you can change it through the Ribbon Design and choose the Background Style in the Group Background. Various Background colors will appear, you can also change the Background style manually by selecting the Background Format in the Background Style box. In that choice, you can set the style in more detail. Colors that can be selected also vary more, for example the color of gradations, textures or even pictures.