English, asked by katakwarutkarsh23068, 7 months ago

Bassanio character sketch

Anonymous: Hie..
Anonymous: Hie.
khushi72890: hlo


Answered by suyoggogawale123


Bassanio. A gentleman of Venice, and a kinsman and dear friend to Antonio. Bassanio's love for the wealthy Portia leads him to borrow money from Shylock with Antonio as his guarantor. An ineffectual businessman, Bassanio proves himself a worthy suitor, correctly identifying the casket that contains Portia's portrait.

Answered by khushi72890

When we meet Bassanio first, we find him in need of money.’ He already owes some money to his friend Antonio; and now he approaches that friend of his with a request for another loan. He admits that he has always been spending more money than he could afford. He also acknowledges the fact that he is already under a debt to Antonio. But he also expresses his sincere desire to repay the first loan while asking for a second. And then, to prove his point he argues that, if Antonio gives him a second loan, he (Antonio) would stand a much greater chance of getting back the amount of the first loan in addition to getting back the amount of this second loan. And he supports this argument by citing his own experience as a schoolboy when, by shooting as arrow in the same directiofi in which he had shot the first arrow and lost it, he used to recover both the arrows. This is a very plausible way of arguing a case; and we must give due credit to him in this context. Of course, we can also here interpret his argument differently and say that he is using only, a trick to be able to extract a second loan from a gullible man. But Antonio’s deep love for him is a proof of the fact that Bassanio was not a trickster.

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