English, asked by aekas146, 9 hours ago

be imagined
saving and conserving water, people
pipe here and a running tap there is an everyday sight
y. If we continue to waste water like this then the day is
drop of water to quench our thirst.
people, write slogans and display posters and even
thought. Let us save water for our future generations,
all speeches should be avoided.
Jays better
-s that can be used.
Council and you are a candidate for the post of
all your fellow students why they should vote for
A. Read the passage given below and answer the following questions briefly!
Australia is the world's smallest continent but the largest island Its total area is about 29,67,877
square miles. In the medieval times, people talked about the existence of a large continent in
the Southern Hemisphere? But since no voyager had discovered, nobody could say anything
with certainty. People wondered what it was like and whether it was inhabited or not. It was
called 'The Unknown Southern Land'
the 16th century. The Dutch were the first to visit Australia in 1606. The ship called the
In order to expand their commercial activities, Luropeans had been seeking new lands during
"Duylken' anchored off northern Australia. Some of the ship's crew went ashore to refill their
water casks. The fierce natives of the land had driven them away. The 'Duyſken sailed away
from there without exploring any other part of the continent.
The Dutch government had sent captain Abel Tasman in 1612 to explore more about this
continent. He explored and stored a lot of information about the northern coast of the
continent. He also discovered an island, which is now called Tasmania, and explored New
Later in 1770, the English captain James Cook discovered the east coast of Australia and named
it New South Wales. In 1788, the first English colony was established in the city of Sydney. Now,
the important question is who the first inhabitants of Australia were. It is believed that about
(Para 2)
Cipline in Students
ess destruction of trees by the people in your
encourage them to start a movement to check
ech. Write the speech in about 120 words,
(Para 3)
2,000 years ago, a race of dark-skinned, curly haired natives, known as Tasmonoids, went
from New Guinea and settled in what is now called Australia. At the same time, another race
the Australoids, arrived from southern India. These two races fought for land. In this night,
Australoids drove away Tasmonolds, who settled at another place, now known as Tasmania
The Australoids remained there and became the original setters of Australia,
1. Why was Australia called the Unknown Southern Land' for a long time?
(Para 4)
2. Who were the first to visit Australia
3. Who discovered the island, Tasmania?​


Answered by Stella67


Abel Tasman discovered the island, Tasmania


The first known landing in Australia by Europeans was in 1606 by Dutch navigator Willem Janszoon. Later that year, Spanish explorer Luís Vaz de Torres sailed through, and navigated, what is now called Torres Strait and associated islands.

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