English, asked by sanchitpatel, 11 months ago

Beggar- Please give me some money Girl - I have no money to give
Beggar - Miss come with me and earn the money

At the bus stand a beggar was begging . A beautiful girl came there . He requested the girl (a)...... . The girl told him that (b)........ . At this the beggar adviced her . She (c) ...... and earn the money


Answered by Vaishnavi9118
a) to give him some money
b) she had no money
c) to come with him
Answered by Sidyandex

One day, a beggar was begging a bus stop.

A beautiful girl came there.

He requested to the girl, "Please give me some money".

The girl replied, "I have no money to give you".

At this, the beggar advice her to come to the bus stand and beg with him.

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