English, asked by anmoldeepkaur, 1 year ago

begin your story with the given lines and give suitable title also Hesitatingly he stepped ahead . Suddenly. ...


Answered by Amal16M
hey dear , 

your answer...

A 15 years old boy was going on a deserted road feeling little scared and felt uneasy. hesitatingly he stepped forward and suddenly, a man came in his path. This man was quite scary & old looking. He asked the boy,"Why have you come here? What do you want? This is my place, get lost from here." The boy replied, "I'm in search of my parents. I want to take them home back with me. So, I can't get lost from here, I've to find them. Someone has kidnapped them." To this, the man calmed down & became friends with the boy. He began to help him find his parents. They then saw a big cave on their way. They headed inside the cave & discovered that the boy's parents were tied with a rope. And a kidnapper was also there, he was demanding money to set the parents free. But the boy knew Karate & even the man was a master of Judo. So both people fought with the kidnapper & injured him & rescued the boy's parents. Thus, the man who happened to meet the boy in his way proved to be his best helper in terms of finding boy's parents. The boy's parent and the child itself said "thank you" to the man. The man said it's not a big deal after all these kids here are flowers. But the parents saw the man sad, even though he did such impressive work  so why is he still sad, the parents inquired and got to know that he was not blessed with a child , so they said  you can also be with my child, teach him as a parent, they made him feel he is a part of a family ....
hope it helps 

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ÏnsÂnëYüvîBrø: thanx
Answered by mponniammal



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