Behind every interesting story is a strong structure made up of five essential elements like: *1. Title* It is the name given to a story. It should be catchy to grab the reader's attention. *2. Setting* It is an environment or surrounding in which the story takes place. *3. Character* It is a person, animal or thing in a story. The characters take the story ahead. *4.Plot* It is the sequence of events that makes up a story. It helps the reader know about the characters, setting and moral of the story . *5.Conclusion* It is the way how the story ends. It can either be a happy ending or tragic ending. *Clues:* *Setting* : a dark stormy night, jungle, an old cottage *Characters* : an old man, a boy , box Including all the elements and clues mentioned above write an interesting story in 300 to 350 words. *Note:* Your story should have at least two idioms / proverbs . After completing the story write the character sketch of any one character in 30 words.
here is the answer
Plot is the order of events in the story. The plot usually follows a particular structure called Freytag’s Pyramid. Gustav Freytag, a German playwright who lived during the 1800s, identified this structure.
Freytag’s Pyramid has five parts: exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and denouement, also known as resolution. See Figure 3.1.
Figure 3.1: Freytag’s Pyramid
Freytag’s Pyramid by Gustav Freytag, a German playwright
Exposition is an introduction to the characters, time, and the problem. At the point where exposition moves into rising action a problem, sometimes called an inciting incident, occurs for the main character to handle or solve. This creates the beginning of the story.
Rising action includes the events that the main character encounters. Each event, developed in separate scenes, makes the problem more complex.
Climax is the turning point in the story. Usually, it is a single event with the greatest intensity and uncertainty. The main character must contend with the problem at this point.
Falling action includes the events that unfold after the climax. This usually creates an emotional response from the reader.
Denouement or resolution provides closure to the story. It ties up loose ends in the story.
Do writers plan out their stories? Some do, especially if they are an extreme think-write writer. Some don’t. They have a story idea, begin it, and watch it unfold as they write.
Conflict is the struggle between two entities. In story writing the main character, also known as the protagonist, encounters a conflict with the antagonist, which is an adversary. The conflict may be one of six kinds:
Character vs. character
Character vs. nature or natural forces
Character vs. society or culture
Character vs. machine or technology
Character vs. God
Character vs himself or herself
Point of View
Stories are generally told in one of two points of views