English, asked by cschittu47, 9 months ago

Behold every parent's worst nightmare :
the six-year-old TV addict. He watches in the
morning before he goes off to school, plops
himself in front of the set as soon as he gets
home in the afternoon and gets another dose to
calm down before he goes to bed at night. His
teacher says he is restless and combative in
class. What's more, he's having trouble reading.

Does this creature really exist or is he just
a paranoid video-age vision ? The question is
gaining urgency as the medium barges ever more
aggressively into children's lives. Except for
school and the family, no institution plays a
bigger role in shaping American children. Today,
TV is being blamed for just about everything :
from a decrease in attention span to an increase
in street crime. Cartoons are attacked for their
violence and sitcoms for their foul language.
Critics and consumer groups like Action for
Children's Television have kept up a steady
drumbeat of calls for reform.
Some efforts are being made towards these
problems by trying to limit commercial time in
children's programming and making it
compulsory for channels to air more educational
kids' fare. Yet the central issue remains : the fact
that children watch a ton of TV. Almost daily,
parents grapple with afunda mental, overriding
question : What is TV viewing doing to kids, and
what can be done about it ? Guided by TV,

today's kids are exposed to more information
about the world around them than any other
generation in history. But are they smarter for
it ? Many teachers and psychologists argue that
TV is largely to blame for the decline in reading
skills and school performance.

(a) (i) Give an appropriate title to the

(ii) What steps are being taken to solve
the problem of negative impact of TV
viewing on children ?

(iii) How, according to the author, is
children's school performance affected
by exposure to TV ?

(iv) What does the author mean when
he/she says, "The question is gaining
urgency as the medium barges ever
more aggressively into children's
lives" ?

(v) On the basis of your reading of the
passage, what according 'iii" youTis—"
the most important question for
which an answer needs to be found ?​


Answered by suseelarajan2011


this is the answer

ezctbydxbhrcuhrxbuxrburcbucfygdchyrcbyfcgyxfhbfcuvchvcfhuctbyfcubcgnygvnufcubcyufygfv no fcjutnug

Answered by qwmagpies

a) The answer for the following questions are-

An appropriate title for the passage will be- Television-A Boon Or Bane.

The steps taken to solve the problem of negative impact of T.V viewing on children are-

Decreasing the time of the commercials in the children's T.V channels.

Making it compulsory for the channels to show more educational programs.

According to the author, increased exposure to television is affecting the children in the following ways-

Children become relentless and combative in nature. It increases the anxiety and restlessness among the children.

Children have trouble in reading lessons in school.

The kids become aggressive and violent due to the increased violence in the T.V shows.

The author meant by saying the lines- " the question is gaining urgency as the medium barges ever more aggressively into children's  lives" is that the number of cases for the increased violence among the children, their troubles in the performance in the schools, their negligence towards the real world etc, are increasing day by day. Thus the need to combat the effects of television is increasing.

According to me the most important question that need to be answered is - how to reduce the children's exposure time towards the television with their consent.

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