History, asked by mishilidhi44792, 29 days ago

being a leader and role model how could you maintain an organisation integrity and credibility when your workforce is extremely diverse ​


Answered by swagswara098



Positive culture: Employees' morale improves when they work behind an ethical leader. Staff won't feel as if they are helping a corrupt person earn even more money. Ethical leaders have the capacity to inspire those working with them to perform at their peak.

Improved brand image: The leaders of the company should show the best that your brand has to offer.

Scandal prevention: Ethical leaders don't create bad PR for a company. Company scandals can be damaging to an organization's image and cause customers to turn to a competitor.

Loyalty: Both employees and customers are more likely to remain loyal to companies that hire ethical leaders.

Improved emotional well-being: Workplace stress can hurt productivity levels at a company. If leadership is toxic, then efficiency will decrease.

While this may all sound lofty, it's more attainable than you might think. Here's how to become an ethical leader.

1. Define and align your values.

Consider the morals you were raised with: Treat others how you want to be treated, always say "thank you," help those who are struggling, etc. But as you grow, and as society progresses, conventions change, often causing values to shift.

"This is the biggest challenge ethics face in our culture and at work and is the biggest challenge ethical leadership faces," said Matthew Kelly, founder and CEO of Floyd Consulting and author of The Culture Solution (Blue Sparrow Books, 2019). "What used to be universally accepted as good and true, right and just, is now up for considerable debate. This environment of relativism makes it very difficult for values-based leaders."

Kelly added that to find success in ethical leadership, you should demonstrate how adhering to specific values benefits the mission of the organization.

"Culture is not a collection of personal preferences," he said. "Mission is king. When that ceases to be true, an organization has begun its journey toward the mediocre middle."

Ask yourself what matters to you as an individual, and then align that with your priorities as a leader. Defining your values not only expresses your authenticity but also encourages your team to do the same, creating a shared vision for all workers.

2. Hire people with similar values.

While your values don't need to be identical to those of your workers, you should be able to establish common ground with them. This often starts with the hiring process and is maintained through a vision statement.

"I do not believe that every person is a fit for every company, and that is OK," Green said. "Companies need to do a better job ensuring they find people who are aligned with their values rather than just hiring for experience."

In fact, Kelly believes it's valuable to hire employees who have different experiences and perspectives, because they each offer their own solutions to challenges.

"But when it comes to values, I think having and hiring people who share your values is critical," he added. "Nobody wants to work for somebody who doesn't share their values … Without mutual respect, it is very difficult to form a dynamic team, and most people find it very difficult to respect someone who doesn't share their values."

3. Promote open communication.

Every employee is different, even if they share similarities. With each decision you make, be transparent and encourage feedback from your team. This helps you become a better leader and helps your workers feel more confident sharing their ideas or concerns.

Gathering feedback from your team helps you improve as a leader and propels your business forward.


4. Beware of bias.

As humans, many of us have beliefs, subconscious or otherwise, that are outdated or erroneous. No leader wants to admit to their flaws, but failure to practice self-awareness can have detrimental consequences.

If you are an open-minded leader, you will build and maintain better relationships with your workers.

5. Lead by example.

To build an ethical company, you must start from the top down. Your employees will see your behavior, choices, and values and will adopt them in their own practices.


Leading by example instills respect and lets your employees see that you truly believe in them and trust them to work.

6. Find your role models.

"There are many leaders throughout history," said Mike Sheety, director of ThatShirt. "Do a little research of good, powerful leaders and try to identify what they do [well]. Then, implement it into your own leadership style."  

7. Care for yourself so you are able to care for others.

You cannot pour from an empty cup, as the saying goes.


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