Being flattered by the praise of opposite gender in youth may often lead to an unexpected and uncomfortable situation. Justify the statement referring to the story ‘The Luncheon’. (100-120 words)
As you know that sometimes life doesn't really go our way. That is just one of the many examples of misunderstanding in life. Many of the youths in this time tend to over exaggerate on what they feel. In most times, this feelings often get misinterpreted by the youth. For example, a simple idolizing to a single person gets interpreted as "love". You may think it as love, but it's not. When you praise or compliment someone, they tend to get flustered and often deny what you said. Although in their minds, they were already thinking very ahead of things, that for you, it's just a friendly/neutral compliment that you based on what you saw. Many people just assumed things without evidence, only baseless thoughts. Just because one person have done something that you think no one else did, people tend to do or think rash decisions that often lead to bad outcomes. Yes, sometimes it does end in a good outcome, but most doesn't. People need to think rationally, not ignorantly.