Being Neighborly 11th english book
as human being what writer is expecting from us ?
In this Industrial Revolution 4.0 era, robots, automation, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) have invaded various industries, taking over our jobs – including creative and writing jobs.
Yes, automation is coming our way, not merely in the manufacturing and logistics industries. And the first creative job to go might be the news reporters who write fact-based reports.
According to Search Engine Journal, robot writers are already working on data-driven short reporting articles, like stock prices, quarterly earnings, sports games outcomes, and Olympic medal awards. The Washington Post, for instance, created 850 articles in 2017 with Heliograf bot, and Quill AI robot has the capability of collating data on thousands of games. It can produce thousands of articles instantaneously, replacing professional sportswriters.
The platform used by The Associated Press is Wordsmith by Automated Insights, which is a type of natural language generation (NLG) machine learning that can transform raw data into thousands of publishable stories. This robot can write 12 times the amount of humans.