being religious gives us hope for the motion write a debate
Being religious gives us hope
Good morning everyone present here. I am going to express my views on ‘Being religious gives us hope’; and I am going to speak in favor of the motion.
Wise men say: ‘Hope sustains life.’ it is quite true hope is at the base of miracles. Hope engenders faith; and faith works miracles. And to develop hope and faith one has to be religious. People have many fallacious notions about religion. They confuse it with idol worship and practicing any particular cult. Religion is neither of them. Religion is making endeavors to know the Power that created our big universe and everything in it. So, naturally when you try to become religious, you are actually trying to come in connection with ALL-CAPABLE POWER. As a result you feel hopeful.
I strongly feel if you have hope you have everything. When you have hope you have faith. Faith actually is the silent trust in the Power that has created such a vast and complex universe. Faith is the acknowledgement of the existence of this power and a natural conviction that this Power is good. So people who have true faith, they work miracles. Jesus did all the miracles with faith. So if you are in search of any miracle in your life, it is possible through faith only. And once again I am affirming that faith is possible through hope only; and hope is possible by becoming religious only.
In conclude my debate by saying that being religious definitely gives us hope. We should harness the immense power hidden in all religions.