Benefits Of Commercialization Of Education:
Economic Development: Commercialization of education helps in the process of economic development. Commercialization in education helps in increasing the rate of literacy, Gross Domestic Product, Gross national Income, per capital income, provide the job opportunity etc.
1. Employment opportunity: Commercialization of education provides employment
opportunity. It provides job opportunity as well as hundred percent job guarantees to the
students. Many private institutions offer various job oriented job oriented courses, various
degrees, diplomas, certificate course etc. Which help the students to engage in job. Due to
the presence of commercialization of education various organization such as GATS
(General Agreement on Trade in services), the students gets the opportunity to doing
professional course at the local branch Campuses of foreign institutions. Like that the
teachers, lectures also engaged in the job in foreign countries. This also reduces the
unemployment problem of the country.
2. Economic Development: Commercialization of education helps in the process of
economic development. Commercialization in education helps in increasing the rate of
literacy, Gross Domestic Product, Gross national Income, per capital income, provide the
job opportunity etc. Which is the major indicator of economic development of a country?
This indicator also helps in the human resource development. So commercialization of
education contributes in the economic development of a country.
3. To Face the Global Challenges: Commercialization of education helps to face the global
challenges of the world. The global challenges are as modernization, industrialization,
privatization, globalization, information and communication Technology, Emergence of
International knowledge Network, Role of English language etc. Commercialization of
education helps the students in acquiring appropriate knowledge about the advantages in
technology. Emergence of International knowledge Network, Role of English language etc.
Commercialization of education helps the acquiring appropriate knowledge about the
advantages in technology. The challenges, how to adopt it , how help etc. and it also provide
demand for training that can be applied in the real word. For this number of institutions of
education system have transformed this structures and curriculum to meet the new global
Commercialization of Education system: A critical analysis Swapnali Borgohain
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4. Personality development: commercialization of education helps in the personality
development of the students. The commercialization of education provides formal education
to students. For the personality development of the students they provide moral education
which included the development commercialization skill, soft skill, how to maintain their
physical health, to how face interview, how to with entrance examination how to adjust with
the society etc. In the school syllabus the subject of moral science are included. This is
helpful for the students in the entire life.
5. Quality of education: Commercialization of education give emphasis on quality education.
The concept of quality education is broader term which indicates the quality of the learner,
quality of the learning environment, quality content, quality process and quality outcomes.
The commercialization of education makes effort to provide quality education to the
students and also offer more demanding courses in the modern society. Generally every
parents wants that their children take the quality education which help them in their future
life as well in the development of society. A person who gets good education will become a
more dependable worker, better citizen and strong consumer. The commercialization
institution provides good learning environment, good infrastructure facility, good teachers
etc. For achieving quality education.