Best data type to store the value -1010
If you are using Java, then int is best.
The best datatype to store the value of - 1010 is int .
⏩ The datatype refers to the possible values which a particular variable can have .
⏩ Variables are memory locations which hold a particular value of a particular datatype .
⏩ Example : int a = 4 ;
Here 'int' is the datatype and the variable is 'a' .
⏩ Int stands for integer and it is helpful in holding any integer types of values .
⏩ We cannot hold decimal values like 60.98 but we can hold any integer type of values like 60 .
⏩ If we assign a particular value , then we have to use the assignment operator which is given by '=' ( equal to ) .
⏩ Double is another datatype which holds decimal values like 60.0 .
⏩ There are other datatypes like : byte , short , char , float , long , boolean , String .