English, asked by mohammedayaanullah, 1 day ago



Answered by hdgayathrivenkatesh


Riddle: What has to be broken before you can use it?

Answer: An egg.

Riddle: What begins with T, finishes with T, and has T in it?

Answer: A teapot.

Riddle: You bought me for dinner but never eat me. What am I?

Answer: Cutlery.

Riddle: If you took two apples from a pile of three apples, how many apples would you have?

Answer: The one apple you took.

Riddle: What kind of vegetables are the most fun at parties?

Answer: Fungi.

Riddle: What is the richest nut?

Answer: A cash-ew.

Riddle: Why did the fruit salad skip its own wedding?

Answer: It had a lot of can’t-elope.

Riddle: What kind of beer won’t get you drunk?

Answer: Root beer.

Riddle: What kind of poultry is always going to the bathroom?

Answer: Chick peas.

Riddle: Why did the citrus tree go to the hospital?

Answer: Lemon-aid.

Answered by chiranjeevidandangi
  • If 1 = 3
  •   2 = 3
  •   3 = 5
  •   4 = 4
  •    5 = 4
  •   6 =  ?
  1. what is room but no doors?
  2. what can run but never walk?
  3. who shaves 20 times a day?
  4. what is infront of us but we can't see?
















. ans:

6= 3 cause we have three words in the letter s i x.

1. mushroom

2. river.

3. barber.

4. future.

 Hope it helps you!

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