best speeches for 11th asl
Introduction:-We all are familiar with the proverb “health is wealth” acc. To WHO, ‘Health is a state of complete physical and the absence of disease. Academic serves the purpose of nourishing the mind. That’s why a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. One can maintain a healthy body by active participation in games and sports. Actually, sports are more than just games. They are about life, passion, emotion and some of the greatest highs and lows we can experience.
Body of composition:- Sports keep our body alert active, youthful and energetic. They instill in us of adventure. It increases the circulation of blood, boost metabolism, burn calories and improves the fitness. A healthy person can work hard for a long period of time cheerfully and can face danger boldly. Games and sports also instill in the players the spirit of adventure they enable him to follow other virtues discipline, honesty, integrity, loyalty and patriotism. In today’s era also many parents do not have high opinion about games and sports and they want their children to devote more time on studies. They always forget-“All work and no play makes jack and dull boy.”
Games and sports are not only important to become a renowned celebrity. But it is most important for success in every walk of life. In ancient Greece they formed the principle parts of education. In the advanced countries of the present day also, they are a regular feature of the school and college curriculum.
Conclusion:- I want to appeal all of you to encourage our friends to participate in games and sports for their all round personality development that is the need of the hour.
Whatever you think you will be:
If you think you are weak, weak you will be
If you think you are strong, strong you will be
So be positive about your thinking…
asl on tiger:
Tiger is a wild animal. It is a national animal of India. They are beautiful cats. There is a very beautiful color on his skin. Tiger is yellow in color. It is a carnivore animal which eats only flesh. It is a flesh eating mammal has long pointed canine teeth to tear the flesh. They have chiseled shaped incisors for cutting purposes. They have a long tail. It runs very fast. tigers can jump very high to catch the animals. They are very strong and powerful animals found in wildlife sanctuaries and national parks. Our government launched the project tiger to save tiger from poachers. Most of us aware that tiger poaching is a major threat. every part of tiger like skin, bones, body parts is in high demand in china and parts of southeast Asia. Tiger skin is used for decorative purposes, and bones and body parts are used as ingredients in traditional medicine. Two factors worsen the impact of tiger poaching-habitat destruction and the poaching of prey animals. India has excellent wildlife laws that prohibit the killing of almost all species of wild animals. the problem is that, in many cases,the laws are not enforced diligently because many states do not consider wildlife protection to be very important. The tigers are a magnificent symbol of our country and all over the world. India is known as the land of tigers. Our planet will be a poorer place if this precious gift of nature disappears forever. We can save the tigers!!! And we can do it!!!