between username and password
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Username and Password is that password is a private combination of characters associated with the user name that allows access to certain computer resources. While A user name is a unique combination of characters, such as letters of the alphabet and/or numbers, that identifies a specific user.
A user name is a unique combination of characters, such as letters of the alphabet and/or numbers, that identifies a specific user. In an Internet e-mail address, an @ (pronounced at) symbol separates the user name from the domain name. Your service provider supplies the domain name. A possible e-mail address for Kiley Barnhill would be [email protected], which would be read as follows: K Barnhill at e site dot com. Most e-mail programs allow you to create an address book, or contacts folder, which contains a list of names and e-mail addresses.
A password is a private combination of characters associated with the user name that allows access to certain computer resources. Some operating systems allow the computer or network administrator to assign passwords to files and commands, restricting access to only authorized users.
To prevent unauthorized users from accessing computer resources, keep your password confidential. While users type a password, most computers hide the actual password characters by displaying some other characters, such as asterisks (*) or dots. After entering a user name and password, the operating system compares the user’s entry with a list of authorized user names and passwords. If the entry matches the user name and password kept on file, the operating system grants the user access. If the entry does not match, the operating system denies access to the user.
A user name is a unique combination of characters, such as letters of the alphabet and/or numbers, that identifies a specific user. In an Internet e-mail address, an @ (pronounced at) symbol separates the user name from the domain name. Your service provider supplies the domain name. A possible e-mail address for Kiley Barnhill would be [email protected], which would be read as follows: K Barnhill at e site dot com. Most e-mail programs allow you to create an address book, or contacts folder, which contains a list of names and e-mail addresses.
A password is a private combination of characters associated with the user name that allows access to certain computer resources. Some operating systems allow the computer or network administrator to assign passwords to files and commands, restricting access to only authorized users.
To prevent unauthorized users from accessing computer resources, keep your password confidential. While users type a password, most computers hide the actual password characters by displaying some other characters, such as asterisks (*) or dots. After entering a user name and password, the operating system compares the user’s entry with a list of authorized user names and passwords. If the entry matches the user name and password kept on file, the operating system grants the user access. If the entry does not match, the operating system denies access to the user.
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