Math, asked by ankitkumar01062008, 6 hours ago

बहुभुज में कम से कम कितनी भुजाएं होती हैं​


Answered by amitnrw

बहुभुज में कम से कम  तीन   भुजाएं होती हैं​

Step-by-step explanation:

बहुभुज =  Polygon

दो से अधिक समतलीय खण्डों से बनी बंद आकृति बहुभुज कहलाती है।

बहुभुज में कम से कम  तीन   भुजाएं होती हैं​

A closed shape formed by more than two coplanar segments is called a polygon.

Each segment, called a side, intersects two adjacent segments at their endpoints, called vertices.

No two adjacent segments are collinear.

In a convex polygon, any two interior points can be connected with a segment completely inside the polygon.

No line containing a side of a convex polygon passes through the inside of that polygon.

In a concave polygon, at least one of the lines containing a side of the polygon also contains a point from the inside of the polygon.

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