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8. Read the story carefully and answer the given questions.
Broken Glass
Written by: Anoop Parik
"Catch!" Anjali shouted, turning towards Adi with her hands raised. Rohit had hit the ball
right where Adi was standing. The ball went flying past Adi. There was a loud crash and the
three siblings fell silent.
Anjali, the oldest, was the first to move towards the broken picture frame. She held her
arms out to make sure her younger brothers did not step on the broken glass. Rohit and
Adi slowly moved up behind her. No one made a sound. Their eyes had widened, and they
just stared at the scene before them. This was going to be trouble!
"Why didn't you catch it? Now look what you did!" Rohit hissed.
"Me? Who hits such a hard shot inside the house?" Adi responded.
The two brothers looked at each other angrily
"It was such an easy ball. I couldn't help it!" Rohit said, looking towards Anjali now.
"Stop fighting, you two," Anjali interrupted.
"What are we going to do? Mummy will take away the bat. We won't be able to play
cricket anymore," Adi said, holding back his tears.
"Hold on, we need to think. We can't leave everything broken like this," Anjali said, he
eyebrows stitched into a frown.
They stood staring at the broken glass for a while. It was as if they were wishing the pictur
frame would magically fix itself. Rohit was the first to speak. "I know. I'm going to go ge
some super glue. Then we can stick everything back together."
"That won't work, bhai. There are too many
pieces of glass. And we'll get hurt," Anjali sensibly
"We should just go to our room and tell Mummy
we don't know what happened," Adi suggested.
He looked worried. "It's just a picture frame but
we'll get into big trouble if we don't say that.'
“But we broke it. We should fix it," Rohit replied.
"Rohit is right. We can't just leave it like this. We
can't stick it together either. But first, we really
have to clean up this mess," Anjali said, taking
charge. "We'll think of what to do after that."