भारतीय इतिहास में राजा अशोक के योगदान पर चर्चा कीजिए।
चक्रवर्ती सम्राट अशोक (ईसा पूर्व 304 से ईसा पूर्व 232) विश्वप्रसिद्ध एवं शक्तिशाली भारतीय मौर्य राजवंश के महान सम्राट थे। सम्राट अशोक का पूरा नाम देवानांप्रिय अशोक मौर्य (राजा प्रियदर्शी देवताओं का प्रिय) था। ... सम्राट अशोक को अपने विस्तृत साम्राज्य से बेहतर कुशल प्रशासन तथा बौद्ध धर्म के प्रचार के लिए भी जाना जाता है।
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we have to study in the previous chapter that defeated of prithviraj Chauhan by Muhammad ghori in 1192 at the foundation of Turkish rule in India Mohammed gauri was murdered in 80 1206 he had no higher so his general declare them self independent in different parts of his empire one of his general qutubuddin aibak 1206 to 1210 essay on the controls of Mohammad gauri Indian position and laid the foundation of the Delhi sultan the period between edit 106 212 1526 in is known as the various of Delhi sultan at this is because the rulers of period where known as sultan's as they ruled from their capital cities Delhi Delhi first become the capital of kingdom under the Thomas and rajput dynasty is of early 12th century ad under the tomorrow and Chauhan it become an important combical centre also coin minted here are there called Delhi wala which were widely calculated Delhi became the capital of West areas of the subcontinent only under the Delhi sultan at the following five dynasty together the Delhi sultanate 1 the slave dynasty
2 the tuglak dynasty
3 the Khalid dynasty