Bhola was impressed by the miracle performed by Baba Shyamdev, when Baba lied down on a bed of nails, the nails did not hurt him. Bhola narrated this miracle to his friend Rahul. Rahul explained to Bhola that, there is no magic or miracle here. Why did Rahul say that , there is no miracle here?
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Hey Mate here is your answer
Rahul said that there is no miracle here because he know that there is a trick behind Miracle of Baba Shyam Dev.
Rahul said that there is no miracle here because he know that there is a trick behind Miracle of Baba Shyam Dev.
Thanks MATE
Answered by
According to the data mention in the question that,
Bhola was impressed by the miracle performed by Baba Shyamdev, when Baba lied down on a bed of nails, the nails did not hurt him. Bhola narrated this miracle to his friend Rahul. Rahul explained to Bhola that, there is no magic or miracle here.
Because,when the baba lies on the bed of nails,his body's weight is applied on the nails.The the weight force is repelled by every single nails, that's why the force repelled by a single nail is very small.
That's why the baba's skin is unhurted and uncut.
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