Bibliography afor govt budget
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Budgeting isn't just for poor people or for times when money is tight or your life is undergoing a major transition. Budgeting is for everyone because it makes it easier to achieve financial goals of all shapes and sizes, whether that goal is to stay out of debt next month or to pay cash for a sports car.
Budgeting allows you to make long- and short-term projections about your financial situation, prevent crises, get the most out of your money, plan for major life changes and enjoy peace of mind.
Budgeting systems – ranging from a simple notepad and pen to online financial management software to smartphone apps – are available for all needs and preferences.
Budgeting monthly, rather than by the paycheck, can help you learn to take a longer-term view of your finances. (For related reading, see The Beauty of Budgeting.)
Keep track of all your expenses, not just the big ones. There’s nothing wrong with buying a latte every day, but you should know how much you’re spending on them and make sure that you’re spending within your means.
Read more: Budgeting Basics: 10 Things to Remember About Budgeting
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Budgeting allows you to make long- and short-term projections about your financial situation, prevent crises, get the most out of your money, plan for major life changes and enjoy peace of mind.
Budgeting systems – ranging from a simple notepad and pen to online financial management software to smartphone apps – are available for all needs and preferences.
Budgeting monthly, rather than by the paycheck, can help you learn to take a longer-term view of your finances. (For related reading, see The Beauty of Budgeting.)
Keep track of all your expenses, not just the big ones. There’s nothing wrong with buying a latte every day, but you should know how much you’re spending on them and make sure that you’re spending within your means.
Read more: Budgeting Basics: 10 Things to Remember About Budgeting
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