History, asked by shavetasood407, 7 months ago

biblography on the topic the delhi sultanate​


Answered by VarshasriU




A. Religious, Mystical and Literary works

Abu'l Fazl. Akbar Namah. Lucknow, 1881.Eng. tr. Eng. tr. H. Beveridge, 3 Vols., Calcutta,

1879-1921. The Mughal Chronicle, which also has dealt with various Sufi silsilahs

in India.

Afif, Shams Siraj (751/757 A.H.). Tarikh-i Firuz Shahi. Ed. Vilayat Hasain, Calcutta,

1891. The author was brought up in court life and later became a 'murid' of

Shaikh Qutub al-Din Munawwar. Timur's invasion had left deep inprint in his

mind. His work involves detail account of victory as well as welfare measures of


Al-Hujwiri, Ali (also known as Data Ganj Bakhsh). Kashf al-Mahjub. Edition: Lahore,

1967-68.Edited by Wakf Board, Pakistan on the basis of hand written MS of

Hazrat Zakaria Multani. Another copy was published in earst while Soviet Union.

Urdu tr. Mufti Ghulam Muinuddin Nairni, Bhiwandi, 1988. English tr. R.A.

Nicholson. He was known as al-Hujwiri as his mother belonged to a place called

Hujwir. He came to Lahore in 431 A.H. and died in 465 A.H. This book, he

wrote in response to some questions asked by Abu Sayyid Gaznavi, who came

with him from Gazna along with him during Mongol invasion. The book is so

named as it 'attempts to remove the curtain from some truth'. It deals with

theoretical aspects of Sufis, besides extensively defining and explaining important

terminologies of Sufi philosophy. It also gives vivid picture of 130 Sufi saints.

The book gives various viewpoints of the writers and the Sufis on number of

issues. This is considered as the earliest known mystical treatise in Persian, written

in the subcontinent:

Al-Saraj, Abu Nasr. Kitab al-Luma, Gibb Memorial series, London, 1914.

Amir Khusrau. Khaza'in al-Futuh. Ed. M. Wahid Mirza, Calcutta, 1953. English tr.

M.Habib, The Campaigns of Sultan Ala al-Din Khalji, Madras, 1931.It contains

important events during the reign of Sultan Ala al-Din Khalji.

Astrabad~ M.Qasim Hindu Shah (known as Firishta). Tarikh-i Firishta or Gulshan-i

lbrahimi. Eng. tr. J.Briggs, rp.,Calcutta, 1966 A.D.A general history oflndia ,in

two volumes written between 1606-1610 A.D.

Attar, Farid al-Din. Tazkirat al-Auliya. Urdu tr. Zubair Afzal Usmani, Delhi, nd. ed. R.A.

Nicholson, part-1, 1905, London; part II, Leiden, 1907. The writer himself was a

known Sufi and a prolific writer. This work gives detail picture of stages of

development in Sufism, specialities and qualities of the Sufis and their sacred

sayings, prayers, meditation and practices. It contains interesting stories of the

Sufis and their moral teachings. It is written in simple Persian language.

Au:fi, Mohammad. Jawama al-Hikayat. This is still unpublished. This work was completed

in 630 A.H. The author was in the court of Nasir al-Din Qubacha. After the

demise (defeat and suicide) ofQubacha, he came 1o the court oflltutmish, where

he wrote this book' and dedicated to Nizam al-Mulk, the wazir of Sultan Iltutmish.

The book gives vivid picture of the court, the religious and the political situations

and the Sufis ofthe period ..

Babur, Zahir al-DinMohammad. Babur Namah, TurkiTex.t, ed. N.Ilminski, 1857. Persian

version, MirzaAbdur Rahim Khan-i Khanan, Bombay, 1308 A.H./1890 A.D. Eng.

tr. AS. Beveridge, rpt., Delhi, 1990 A.D. The writer was the first Mughal emperor

in India. It is an autobiography of Babur, written in Turkish language, which

gives a glimpse of conditions ofLodi Period andAfghan-Mughal relations.

Barani Zia al-Din (684 AH- 758 AH)., Tarikh-i Firoz Shahi. Ed: Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,

Calcutta, 1860. The author was one ofthe most prolific historians of the Sultanate

period. He was bOrn in 'Bam' (Bulandshahr District) ofUttar Pradesh and thus,

'Barani' is suffixed to his name, identical to that of Ali al-Hujwiri (see above). His

father was a courtier and so was he and thus, he had also indepth knowledge of

court and political life. On the other hand, he was a 'murid' of Shaikh Nizam al-

DinAuliya and thus, had insight to the Sufi and khanqah life as well. His writing

encompasses the events from Balban's accession (664 A. H.) to six years after the

accession of Firoz Shah Tughlaq i.e. the period covers the last quarter of 131


century and first quarter of14th century. He projects the image in its entirety and

not merely from the Sultanate point of views. He has written this in beautiful

language without compromising on the gist of the matter. This source is very

important, as he has given important and first hand information ofSufi-Sultanate


Bilgrami, Abdul Wahid. Saba 'Sanabil. Kanpur, 1299 A.H.

Chishti, Ali Asghar. Jawahiri Faridi. Lith. Lahore, 1884 A.D. Urdu tr., Lahore.

Dara Shukoh. Safinat al-Auliya. Lith. Nawal Kishore, Kanpur, 1900. Urdu tr. Muhammad

Ali Lutfi, Karachi, 1982.The writer was the eldest son ofShahjahan and the heir

apparent. He had deep understanding about Islamic and Hindu mysticism. This

book is one ofhis important books, which deals with the Sufis and their teachings

I hope it helps for you

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