Bidder canal in frog is found in relation to
a)kidney b)testis
c) ovary d) liver
The answer is a) Kidney.
The bidder canal is found inside the kidney of a frog. The testis of the frog is very close to the bidder canal. The bidder is dust carrying the sperm.
The bidder canal is connected to this by several collecting tubule. This bidder canal receives the sperm from testis via a number of 'vasa efferentia'. There are totally 10 to 12 'vasa efferentia' that arises to enter longitudinally into Kidney.
The correct answer is a) Kidney.
Bidder canal in frog is found in relation to kidney. The Bidder canal is found very close to the testis of a frog. The main function of the bidder canal is to enable in the conduction of sperm from the testis. The bidders canal is connected to the kidney by means of various tubules. The bidder canal conducts the the sperm from the testis through a number of vasa efferentia. A total of 10 to 12 vasa efferentia arises from this region to enter the Kidney.