Biology, asked by tinu21, 1 year ago

big-bang theory related with formation of stars and planets.

not in short


Answered by Handsome1111
Heya HERE is your answer

According to scientist this universe has been made by the supernova explosion called big bang. Scientists said that there one time when our universe was situated in one point and than a supernova explosion took place because of which our universe has come with all the stars and planets.

HOPE IT helps you

santoshbavale96: kadkkkk
Answered by thewordlycreature

Einsteins laws of General Relativity suggest that a static universe is only possible when you add a cosmological constant to the equations. Without that the universe has to expand or contract. Edwin Hubble noticed that all galaxies where moving apart. Georges Lemaître proposed the theory of an expanding universe. He also proposed that, rolling the movie backward in time, the universe becomes smaller and smaller and must have started with a “primeval atom”. thus big bang theory states that the whole universe was created due to the results of a supernova explosion called the big Bang.

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