Sociology, asked by naohheart9993, 1 year ago

Big paragraph on conclusion on natural disaster


Answered by priyanshu332
Environmental imbalance is also increasing due to man-made reasons. Due to the rapidly growing population, the need for humans has increased and consumerism has increased in them. Both of these factors have affected natural resources. Cutting trees, misuse of mines for mineral and atmospheric pollution are a serious threat to the environment. All these factors have an important role in increasing natural calamities.

The increasing need of water is constantly reducing the level of groundwater, as well as the industrial toxic solvents are being sown in rivers, which is causing our water to become contaminated. Polluted smoke and greenhouse gas emanating from factories and vehicles are polluting the atmosphere. If such a situation continues, then the life of creatures on earth will be overwhelming.


Sustainable development should be given top priority to avoid natural disasters. The environmental concerns of each project should be at the center of all development projects. The previous warning of natural disasters is needed to create an international network of data from satellites. To deal with natural disasters in sensitive areas, sustainable mechanisms should be developed.

Answered by surbhikumari888812


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