Computer Science, asked by saabmand712, 7 months ago

binary number system gas only two state which one​


Answered by mansi9485


on or off is the answer


hope it helps you

Answered by A147

Answer:HomePhysicsEngineering MathsTechnologyAdmin

Two State Devices and Binary Numbers.

It was not technologically feasible to design systems that could represent numbers using the decimal system which is most familiar to us. (This would have required components that could be set to ten different states, to represent digits 0-9). The components that digital electronics systems are based on only have two different states that they can be set to, (e.g. a switch can either be on or off etc.). A two state device can only represent two different digits. Therefore the number system that we use with digital electronics, is the binary numbering system, which only has two digits (0 & 1).

Not all of the components used in digital systems are inherently limited to two states. For example the magnetic strength of the elements on hard disk drives, can theoretically have an infinite number of different values between their minimum and maximum levels. However in digital systems, we treat them as two state devices, by only distinguishing between whether an element has a north or south magnetic pole.

Further examples of components used as two sate devices in digital systems.

Capacitor - charge/uncharged.

Light - source on/off.

Reflective surface - reflective /non reflective.


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