binucleate secondary mycelium is also known as
The binucleate or secondary mycelium is also known as dikaryon mycelium. The basidiomycetes have a shortlived uninucleate (monokaryotic) stage and a dominant binucleate stage.
The binucleate or secondary mycelium is also known as dikaryon mycelium.
1.Secondary mycelium is a dikaryotic mycelium produced in basidiomycetes after plasmogamy. It contains two haploid nuclei of two different strains or genotype
2.The basidiomycetes have a shortlived uninucleate (monokaryotic) stage and a dominant binucleate stage.
3.In agaricus, after fusion of the hyphae of two opposite strains, the nucleus from one hypha migrates to the other and later gives rise to the bi-nucleate secondary mycelium i.e., dikaryotic. It is long lived and abundant.
4.Primary mycelium is the haploid or monokaryotic hyphae generated from the germination of basidiospores. Secondary mycelium is the dikaryotic hyphae formed from the conjugation of two mating types of fungi during the sexual reproduction.