Biology, asked by rajnisinhmar1117, 8 hours ago

1. What are cell organelles? Name them.
2. Why are they present in Eukaryotes?
3. Write the functions of SER and RER respectively.
4. What is membrane biogenesis?
5. Write the functions of Golgi apparatus.
6. Name the types of plastids. Where are they found in plant cell?
7. Why is mitochondria called the power house of the cell?
8. Name the cell organelle which detoxifies many poisons and drugs.
9. Name the cell organelle which is involved in the formation of Lysosomes.
10. Why is the Lysosomes called as suicidal bags, demolition squads, scavenger of the cell?
11. Write the 3 functions of vacuoles.
12. What is osmoregulation? How is it done in unicellular organisms?
13. Why is cell called as fundamental, structural, and functional unit of life
14. How do lysosomes help in fertilization of the human sperm with ova?
15. What is the difference between cisternae and cristae?​


Answered by Anonymous


1. The cellular components are called cell organelles. These cell organelles include both membrane and non-membrane bound organelles, present within the cells and are distinct in their structures and functions. They coordinate and function efficiently for the normal functioning of the cell. A few of them function by providing shape and support, whereas some are involved in the locomotion and reproduction of a cell. There are various organelles present within the cell and are classified into three categories based on the presence or absence of membrane

2. The nucleus is particularly important among eukaryotic organelles because it is the location of a cell's DNA. Two other critical organelles are mitochondria and chloroplasts, which play important roles in energy conversion and are thought to have their evolutionary origins as simple single-celled organisms.

3. SER= its function is to manufacture the fats moecules or lipids. RER=it function is to synthesis protines.

4. Membrane biogenesis is the process, when some proteins and lipids (produced in smooth endoplasmic reticulum) help in building the cell membrane, inside a cell. ... As the R.E.R (Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum) is involved in protein synthesis and the S.E.R (Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum) is involved in lipid formation.


The vital function of the Golgi apparatus is packaging and secretion of proteins.

It receives proteins from Endoplasmic Reticulum.

It packages it into membrane-bound vesicles, which are then transported to various destinations, such as lysosomes, plasma membrane or secretion.

6.There are four main types of plastids:




and Leucoplasts.

mesophyll cells

7. Mitochondria are tiny organelles inside cells that are involved in releasing energy from food. This process is known as cellular respiration. It is for this reason that mitochondria are often referred to as the powerhouses of the cell.

8.Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) synthesizes lipids and detoxifies harmful substances.

9.The formation of lysosomes involves both the endoplasmic reticulum and the golgi apparatus. - Enzymes of the lysosomes are synthesized from the proteins of the rough endoplasmic reticulum.

10.They possess many hydrolytic enzymes that destroy any foreign material inside the cell such as bacteria. It also digests poorly working cell organelles. So, they are also known as suicide bags. ... As lysosomes remove unnecessary particles and organelles from cell hence they are called as scavengers of the cells.

11 The vacuole in cells have three main functions which are to provide the plant with support or rigidity, a storage area for nutrients and waste matter and can decompose complex molecules, according to British Society for Cell Biology.

12 Osmoregulation is essential to all organisms as it maintains homeostasis of the organism's water content. Osmoregulation in unicellular freshwater organisms like amoebas and paramecia involves an organelle called the contractile vacuole, which collects excess water as it accumulates in the cell and pumps it out.

13The cell is called the structural and functional unit of life as all living organisms are made up of cells. Cells are also essential for performing various life processes required for sustaining life. Furthermore, cells provide form and structure, process nutrients and convert them into useable energy.

14. The sperm head has a cap called as acrosome. This is filled up with lysosomal enzymes which can disintegrate biological membranes and materials. When the sperm makes contact with the head, The acrosomal head releases these enzymes allowing them to disintegrate the cell membrane of the egg to make contact.

15 Cristae are found in mitochondria and are a fold in their inner membrane while cisternae are found in the Endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus in the form of flattened membrane discs.

Hope it helps you mate.

Answered by itzv1111


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