Biology, asked by BRAINLYxKIKI, 5 months ago

★ Biology Problem !!

1: How is the process of pollination different from fertilisation ?

2: What is the role of the seminal vesicles and the próstate gland ?

3: What are the changes seen in gírls at the time of puberty ?

• Chapter --
How do Organism Rèproduce ?

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Answered by itzdreamgirl12
  • Pollination involves transfer of polen grains
  • around 2 years after beginning puberty, girls usually have their first period. pubic hair becomes coarser and curlier. ... most girls gain weight (which is normal) as their body shape changes – girls develop more body fat along their upper arms, thighs and upper back; their hips grow rounder and their waist gets narrower.
Answered by nilesh7823


1. Pollination is transfer of pollen grains from anther to ovary whereas fertilization is a fusion of two gametes.

2. Seminal Vesicles store and produce semen. They contribute 70% semen.

3. In girls the hormonal secretion changes, Menstrual cycle starts, Hip girdle widens, Growth of breast and Glands.

Organisms reproduce in two ways sexually and asexually.

Hope it helps you !

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