Bird flu has been reported among wild geese in Himachal Pradesh, crows in Rajasthan
and Madhya. Pradesh and ducks in Kerala. In Haryana, around one lakh poultry birds
have died mysteriously in the last few days.In Himachal Pradesh’s Pong Dam Lake,
around 1,800 migratory birds have been found dead. In Kerala, the flu has been detected
in two districts, prompting authorities to order culling of ducks. A bird flu alert has been
sounded in Rajasthan, where more than 250 crows were found dead in half a dozen
2. It is a highly contagious viral disease caused by Influenza Type A viruses which
generally affects poultry birds such as chickens and turkeys. There are many
strains of the virus – some of them are mild and may merely cause a low egg
production or other mild symptoms among chickens, while others are severe and
3. Wild aquatic birds such as ducks and geese are the natural reservoir of Influenza A
viruses and the central players in the ecology of these viruses. Many birds carry
the flu without developing sickness, and shed
it in their droppings. Since birds excrete even while flying, they provide “a nice
aerosol of influenza virus, shedding it all over the world”, in the words of
American virology professor Vincent Racaniello. From water birds, many of
whom migrate and travel long distances, the viruses are thus further spread to
poultry and terrestrial birds. Sometimes, the virus jumps over to mammals such as
pigs, horses, cats and dogs.
4. It was in 1997 when humans are first known to have contracted bird flu following
an outbreak in a live bird market of Hong Kong. It was the H5N1 strain of the
virus, and 6 out of 18 infected humans died of the disease. It was contained, but re-
emerged a few years later in various other parts of the globe and caused hundreds
of human deaths, particularly in Southeast Asia. Movement of infected poultry and
Migratory birds, and an illegal bird trade are believed to be the causes of the
spread. Some mammals such as cats and lions were also infected.
5. Generally, people coming in close contact with infected alive or dead birds have
contracted the H5N1 bird flu, and it does not usually spread from person to person,
as per the WHO. There is also no evidence, the WHO says, that the disease can be
spread to people through properly prepared and cooked poultry food. The virus is
sensitive to heat, and dies in cooking temperatures
6. Unlike in birds, where it generally infects the gut, the avian influenza attacks therespiratory tract of humans and may cause severe respiratory illnesses such as
pneumonia or Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS). Its early symptoms
include fever, cough, sore throat, and sometimes abdominal pain and diarrhea.
---Indian Express
1. According to the passage, which one out of these is not affected by Bird Flu?
a) Crows
b) Wild geese
c) Ducks
d) Eagles
2. Which word in the passage means the same as “killing or elimination of
undesirable population”?
a) Poultry
b) Mild
c) Culling
d) Migrating
3. In which year did the Bird Flu start infecting humans?
a) Ninety Nineteen Seven
b) Nineteen Ninety Seven
c) Nineteen Ninety Six
d) Twenty Twenty one
4. What is believed to be the cause of the spread of Bird Flu among humans?
a) Migration of humans
b) Illegal bird trade
c) Eating non-vegetarian food
d) Aerosol in air
5. Find the strain of the virus which spread in humans for the first time.
a) H5N1
b) H5N2
c) H6M1
d) H5M26.
6.The virus can also spread to people through eating cooked poultry food ……… …
… ……..True or False
7. The study of viruses and virus like agents is known as -
a) Ornithology
b) Entomology
c) Zoology
d) Virology
8. Which animals are stated as the Natural Reservoir of Influenza A virus?
a) Chickens and Turkeys
b) Wild aquatic birds (Duck and Geese)
c) Cats and Lions
d) Humans
9. How does the Bird Flu spread globally?
10. What are the symptoms of ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome)?
Answered by
- Eagles
- Culling
- 1997
- Illegal bird trade
- H5N1
- Virology
- Wild aquatic birds (Duck and Geese)
- Movement of infected poultry and Migratory birds, and an illegal bird trade are believed to be the causes of the spread.
- Its early symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, and sometimes abdominal pain and diarrhea.
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