birth rate of a place is 35 and dath rate is 15 what will be the natural change in population
birth rate of a place is 35 and dath rate is 15 what will be the natural change in population
Abortion Rate The number of abortions per 1,000 women ages 15-44 or 15-49 in a given year.
Abortion Ratio The number of abortions per 1,000 live births in a given year.
Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) Applies to the most advanced stages of HIV infection. It is defined by the occurrence of any of more than 20 opportunistic infections or HIV-related cancers.
Age-Dependency Ratio The ratio of persons in the ages defined as dependent (under 15 years and over 64 years) to persons in the ages defined as economically productive (15-64 years) in a population.
Age Structure The proportion of the total population in each age group.
Age-Sex Structure The composition of a population as determined by the number or proportion of males and females in each age category. The age-sex structure of a population is the cumulative result of past trends in fertility, mortality, and migration. Information on age-sex composition is essential for the description and analysis of many other types of demographic data. See also population pyramid.
Age-Specific Rate Rate obtained for specific age groups (for example, age-specific fertility rate, death rate, marriage rate, illiteracy rate, or school enrollment rate).
Aging of Population A process in which the proportions of adults and elderly increase in a population, while the proportions of children and adolescents decrease. This process results in a rise in the median age of the population. Aging occurs when fertility rates decline while life expectancy remains constant or improves at the older ages.
Antinatalist Policy The policy of a government, society, or social group to slow population growth by attempting to limit the number of births.